Trumpet support system
Why the ERGObrass?
Well, the reason for using a playing support is actually very simple and obvious. A typical trumpet weighs about one kilo (2.2 lb).
It is like having a one litre water bottle hanging from your lifted left hand on front of you always when you play. And the arms weigh also quite bit!
Even if the trumpet does not weigh as much as many other brass instruments, it is held further away from the body, thus the torque makes the weight feel more heavy.
Always when you play you have the tension in your arms, shoulder, neck and back. It is there even if you do not feel it or think about it.
Of course, you can hold the trumpet and your arms in playing position that way. However, that really is not a natural nor a healthy way to stay for longer periods of times.
The result of this is very often that the bell descends pointing downwards and not to the audience. This reduces a part of brightness of the sound.
If you can avoid all this, is there really any sense of insisting on doing that? Would the playing be better in the long run if your arms, shoulders, neck and back could be more relaxed?